New Beginnings with an Ancient Concept

“Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” (1 John 3:18 )

It is the first day of the new year. Traditionally resolutions are made on this day, promises to one’s self and to others whose goal is to improve on past behaviors and patterns. Some resolutions last for the whole year, some for several months, and some do not last the day. Most of the new year’s resolutions are borne of good intentions. But good intentions can be dashed by human nature and the realities of life.

This verse from 1 John speaks of good intentions, but correctly states that in order for good intentions to last they must be backed up by actions. Moreover, not just actions but actions that are carried out honestly and wholeheartedly. Words are easy to speak, and easily trip out over the tongue. But actions are done by muscle and sinew, heart and spirit. Actions speak where words falter.

I do not know what your new year’s resolutions will be. This year Sip of Scripture has resolved to focus on peace, and I would suspect many times the word “peace” in the verses will stand for shalom. And shalom is action truthfully done. However shalom is more than just peace; the end result of shalom is peace, but it has its roots and foundations in so much more.

The writers of A Simple Desire invite you to journey with us this year as we ponder on these verses that describe the multiple ways of peace, and how we as God’s children can carry out peace in our actions and in truth. Let us begin. And Shalom!

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