PUT AWAY BITTERNESS . . . And all the other manner of bad behavior

“Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger [etc] . . . . And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:31a,32 from Ephesians 4:17-32 [Insert mine])

Many years ago I realized that right living is a daily choice – even an hour by hour or minute by minute choice. This thought came to me as I was driving from one destination to another. I had several years ago gotten my driver’s license (rather comparatively late in life) and I was still conscious about being a good driver rather than it being an ingrained and rote process. It occurred to me that I was in control of a powerful machine that could cause destruction and ruin if I made poor choices. In the same way I could make poor choices in my life, and potentially cause ruin in the lives of others. Or . . . I could make good choices, wise choices, God-driven choices. It was up to me.

I hope I do not have to be so blatant and obvious as to what choices I made. I am not perfect – not nearly perfect. But each time a choice lay in front of me, I have tried to chose the authentic Christian way. To make the choices that lead to kindness, forgiveness, and mercy. And to pass on to others the forgiveness that I have received from God when my choices were not the best.

One CAN chose to be bitter and angry, choosing wrath over compassion. The thing is, once you make a choice for bitterness etc, it is easy to make that choice again and again. It is better to make the choice for compassion and tenderness. And truly, gentle reader, it is easier to make that choice again and again because the positive outcomes are so much better than negatives.

I hope and pray that you do chose to make the choices that emulate God. May God look down on your with favor, mercy, and blessing for the good choices that you make. Selah! And shalom for all of us this day.

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